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  • Contact | Housing For Health OC

    Button General CONTATTO Search Results Find Help Now Our Impact Contact Contact Us We are ready to help you. SUPPORT PARTNER WITH US QUESTIONS HELP STARTS HERE Please complete the below form to the best of your ability. How Did You Hear About HHOC First Name Last Name Middle Inital Date of Birth Preferred Nickname (if any) Name of Person (if not client) Personal Phone Ok to Call? Yes No Email Alternate Phone (Famliy Member/Friend) Their Name Referring Organization (if applicable) Are you (or the client) enrolled in Medi-Cal: Yes No Not Sure Mailing Address Physical Address Family Members (that reside with client) and their phone numbers (if applicable) Pets: Yes No Type of Pet Number of Pets Service Animals Yes (Certified) No Not Sure Have you, or the client, currently, or have in the past, received housing services: Yes No If Yes, Who With: Spots Frequented Health Conditions/Concerns: CIN # What Help Would You Like? Housing Navigation Services Housing Deposits Housing Sustainability and Tenancy Services Day Habilitation Services Short Term Post Hospitalization Enhanced Care Management Not sure Additional Notes: Release of Medical Information: I hereby authorize HHOC to use my medical information connected with these services, including but not limited to, insurance carriers, health networks, hospital workers, agencies and anyone assisting in obtaining coverage. I consent I do not consent Submit Your submission has been received. Please expect a response in 1-2 days.

  • Our Impact | Housing For Health OC

    Button General CONTATTO Search Results Contact Find Help Now Our Impact OUR IMPACT Each day, our team and partners work together to support the most vulnerable in our communities. With care, compassion, consistency, and a commitment to equal access, we amplify our impact. 2023 Impact 2022 Impact 2024 Midyear Click To Read Click To Read Click To Read MAKE AN IMPACT If you or someone you know is looking for an opportunity to help, we are always looking for ways to partner, accept monetary support, donated items and more. Please contact us if would like to learn more. Donate Donate by Mail Download our Donation Form and include it with check payable to: Housing For Health OC To The Attention of the CEO Housing For Health OC 17701 Cowan #200 Irvine, CA 92614 Donate by Phone Please call our Administrative Office at (949) 401-9591 to donate by phone. Donate by Wire Transfer For transfer instructions, please contact us at or call 949-401-9591 for more information. Employer Matching Taking advantage of a benefit provided by your employer to increase the impact of your gift is a great way to help our vulnerable population. Contact your HR department to find out if your employer matches employee gifts. Our Federal Tax ID number is 87-3137292. Housing For Health OC is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization

  • FIND HELP NOW | Housing For Health OC

    Button General CONTATTO Search Results Contact Find Help Now Our Impact Jamboree Housing HELP STARTS HERE Please complete the below form to the best of your ability. How Did You Hear About HHOC? First Name Last Name Middle Inital Date of Birth Preferred Nickname (if any) Name of Person (if not client) Personal Phone Ok to Call? Yes No Email Alternate Phone (Famliy Member/Friend) Their Name Referring Organization (if applicable) Are you (or the client) enrolled in Medi-Cal: Yes No Not Sure Mailing Address Physical Address Family Members (that reside with client) and their phone numbers (if applicable) Pets: Yes No Type of Pet Number of Pets Service Animals Yes (Certified) No Not Sure Have you, or the client, currently, or have in the past, received housing services: Yes No If Yes, Who With: Spots Frequented Health Conditions/Concerns: CIN # What Help Would You Like? Housing Navigation Services Housing Deposits Housing Sustainability and Tenancy Services Day Habilitation Services Short Term Post Hospitalization Enhanced Care Management Not sure Additional Notes: Release of Medical Information: I hereby authorize HHOC to use my medical information connected with these services, including but not limited to, insurance carriers, health networks, hospital workers, agencies and anyone assisting in obtaining coverage. I consent I do not consent Submit Thanks for submitting! You can expect a reply in 1-2 Business Days Sono un paragrafo. Clicca qui per aggiungere il tuo testo e modificarmi. Basta fare clic su "Modifica testo". Jamboree Housing

  • Housing For Health OC | Housing Service Providers

    400 8 9 Nuove unità PSH 0% 4 % Ritornato a Senzatetto 140 6 7 STATISTICHE QUI 13 1 average number of days between enrollment & housing move-in date A proposito di HHOC A proposito di HHOC A proposito di HHOC Day Habilitation Enhanced Care Management Servizi offerti Sono un paragrafo. Clicca qui per aggiungere il tuo testo e modificarmi. Basta fare clic su "Modifica testo". Friendship Shelter When [they] arrived at Mercy House, [they] had no idea the kind of change [they] would see. Mercy House ...she realized she was not alone and with the support of others, she could finally be free. Jamboree Housing Our services HELP STARTS HERE Please complete the below form to the best of your ability. First Name Name of Person completing (if not client) Personal Phone Ok to Call? Yes No Last Name Referring Organization (if applicable) Email What Help Would You Like? Homeless At Risk of Homelessness Looking to help someone else Release of Medical Information: I hereby authorize HHOC to use my medical information connected with these services, including but not limited to, insurance carriers, health networks, hospital workers, agencies and anyone assisting in obtaining coverage. I consent I do not consent Submit Your submission has been received. Please expect a response in 1-2 days. HHOC Stories Check out our blog for updates and stories from our partners and community.

  • Services | Housing For Health OC

    Button General CONTATTO Search Results Contact Find Help Now Our Impact OUR SERVICES Sono un paragrafo. Clicca qui per aggiungere il tuo testo e modificarmi. È facile. Fai clic su "Modifica testo" o fai doppio clic su di me per aggiungere i tuoi contenuti e apportare modifiche al carattere. Sentiti libero di trascinarmi e rilasciarmi ovunque tu voglia sulla tua pagina. ​ Questo è un ottimo spazio per scrivere lunghi testi sulla tua azienda e sui tuoi servizi. Puoi utilizzare questo spazio per entrare un po' più nel dettaglio della tua azienda. Parla della tua squadra e dei servizi che offri. Help Starts Here

  • Links | Housing For Health OC

    Housing For Health OC Our Website At Risk or Homeless and Need Help, Now? Service Provider Looking For Partners? Want to learn more? Visit our website! Read our blog! Our Impact Download our most recent Impact reports here. Press HHOC x Pathways of Hope Press Release OC Regist er Rep. Correa Press Conference

  • About Us | Housing For Health OC

    Button General CONTATTO Search Results Contact Find Help Now Our Impact ABOUT US OUR MISSION Housing for Health Orange County is on a mission to empower individuals across the county experiencing homelessness by providing comprehensive support and resources, and guiding them towards sustainable housing solutions through collaborative efforts with local housing providers and innovative services. Our commitment extends beyond just housing; we aim to break the cycle of homelessness by supporting the whole human, addressing their physical and mental health needs. WHY WE EXIST We exist to provide centralized administrative and financial support to these providers, and to assist in co-designing best practices and standards of care to ensure quality outcomes for the clients served. WHO WE ARE Housing for Health Orange County, Inc (HHOC) is a nonprofit organization that was created to establish an operational oversight umbrella and collaborative forum among local housing providers. EXPAND Expand provider capacity to serve and house more unhoused and at-risk individuals ALIGN Align state and federal housing subsidies with supportive services funding IMPROVE Improve system flow through a streamlined navigation process from various entry points EMPOWER Empower homeless individuals with client-centered, trauma-informed supportive services WHAT WE DO

  • Resources | Housing For Health OC

    Button General CONTATTO Search Results Contact Find Help Now Our Impact RESOURCES Sono un paragrafo. Clicca qui per aggiungere il tuo testo e modificarmi. È facile. Fai clic su "Modifica testo" o fai doppio clic su di me per aggiungere i tuoi contenuti e apportare modifiche al carattere. Sentiti libero di trascinarmi e rilasciarmi ovunque tu voglia sulla tua pagina. ​ Questo è un ottimo spazio per scrivere lunghi testi sulla tua azienda e sui tuoi servizi. Puoi utilizzare questo spazio per entrare un po' più nel dettaglio della tua azienda. Parla della tua squadra e dei servizi che offri. Help Starts Here

  • Partners | Housing For Health OC

    Button General CONTATTO Search Results Contact Find Help Now Our Impact Our Partners Housing for Health OC thanks our community partners for their support in ensuring all those who come to us in need are able to find the services and resources possible. It is through these valued partnerships we can provide an array of support by experienced and available professionals. Learn more about our partners by clicking on the logos. Sono un paragrafo. Clicca qui per aggiungere il tuo testo e modificarmi. Basta fare clic su "Modifica testo". Mercy House

  • 404 | Housing For Health

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  • FIND HELP NOW 2 | Housing For Health

    Line separator METTERSI IN GIOCO OGGI! Sono un paragrafo. Clicca qui per aggiungere il tuo testo e modificarmi. È facile. Fai clic su "Modifica testo" o fai doppio clic su di me per aggiungere i tuoi contenuti e apportare modifiche al carattere. PROSSIMI PROGETTI . Sono un paragrafo. Clicca qui per aggiungere il tuo testo e modificarmi. È facile. Fai clic su "Modifica testo" o fai doppio clic su di me per aggiungere i tuoi contenuti e apportare modifiche al carattere. Sentiti libero di trascinarmi e rilasciarmi ovunque tu voglia sulla tua pagina. ​ Questo è un ottimo spazio per scrivere lunghi testi sulla tua azienda e sui tuoi servizi. Puoi utilizzare questo spazio per entrare un po' più nel dettaglio della tua azienda. Parla della tua squadra e dei servizi che offri. Lavora con gli elefanti sud-estUN sia Sono un paragrafo. Clicca qui per aggiungere il tuo testo e modificarmi. Sono un ottimo posto in cui raccontare una storia e far sapere ai tuoi utenti qualcosa in più su di te. Salvataggio di animali locali America Centrale Sono un paragrafo. Clicca qui per aggiungere il tuo testo e modificarmi. Sono un ottimo posto in cui raccontare una storia e far sapere ai tuoi utenti qualcosa in più su di te. Pulizie oceaniche Nord America Sono un paragrafo. Clicca qui per aggiungere il tuo testo e modificarmi. Sono un ottimo posto in cui raccontare una storia e far sapere ai tuoi utenti qualcosa in più su di te. AVERE UN IMPATTO. Sono un paragrafo. Clicca qui per aggiungere il tuo testo e modificarmi. È facile. Fai clic su "Modifica testo" o fai doppio clic su di me per aggiungere i tuoi contenuti e apportare modifiche al carattere. Come puoi aiutare? One-time volunteer Join a volunteer program Host an event Grazie per l'invio! INVIA

At-Risk and Homeless Service Providers

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